出 演 |
監 督 |
Sergei Eisenstein, Andrzej Wajda, Michelangelo Antonioni, Grigori Chukrai, Jean Cocteau, Marcel Camus, David Lean, Carol Reed, Kon Ichikawa, Marco Bellocchio, Yasujiro Ozu, Rene Clement, Francois Truffaut, Jean Renoir, Benjamin Christensen, Akira Kurosawa, Anthony Asquith, Marcel Carne, Robert Hamer, Roman Polanski, Alfred Hitchcock, Emeric Pressburger, Michael Powell, Milos Forman, Fritz Lang, Jacques Tati, Alf Sjoberg, Georg Wilhelm Pabst, Julien Duvivier, Ermanno Olmi, George Bernard Shaw, Laurence Olivier, Ingmar Bergman, Victor Erice, Federico Fellini, David Lean, Kenji Mizoguchi, Vittorio De Sica, Luis Bunuel, H. G. Clouzot, Saul J. Turell
Features |
"Alexander Nevsky" (1938, アレクサンドル・ネフスキー) "Ashes And Diamonds" (1958, 灰とダイヤモンド) "L'Avventura" (1960, 情事) "Ballad Of A Soldier" (1959, 誓いの休暇) "Beauty And The Beast" (1946, 美女と野獣) "Black Orpheus" (1959, 黒いオルフェ) "Brief Encounter" (1945, 逢びき) "The Fallen Idol" (1948, 落ちた偶像) "Fires On The Plain" (1959, 野火) "Fists In The Pocket" (1965, ポケットの中の握り拳) "Floating Weeds" (1959, 浮草) "Forbidden Games" (1952, 禁じられた遊び) "The 400 Blows" (1959, 大人は判ってくれない) "Grand Illusion" (1937, 大いなる幻影) "Haxan" (1922, 魔女) "Ikiru" (1952, 生きる) "The Importance Of Being Earnest" (1952) "Ivan The Terrible, Part II" (1958, イワン雷帝 第二部) "Le Jour Se Leve" (1939, 陽は昇る) "Jules Et Jim" (1962, 突然炎のごとく) "Kind Hearts And Coronets" (1949) "Knife In The Water" (1962, 水の中のナイフ) "The Lady Vanishes" (1938, バルカン超特急) "The Life And Death Of Colonel Blimp" (1943, 老兵は死なず) "Loves Of A Blonde" (1965, ブロンドの恋) "M" (1931, M) "M. Hulot's Holiday" (1953, ぼくの伯父さんの休暇) "Miss Julie" (1951, 令嬢ジュリー) "Pandora's Box" (1929, パンドラの箱) "Pepe Le Moko" (1937, 望郷) "Il Posto" (1961) "Pygmalion" (1938, ピグマリオン) "Rashomon" (1950, 羅生門) "Richard III" (1955, リチャード三世) "The Rules Of The Game" (1939, ゲームの規則) "Seven Samurai" (1954, 七人の侍) "The Seventh Seal" (1957, 第七の封印) "The Spirit Of The Beehive" (1973, ミツバチのささやき) "La Strada" (1954, 道) "Summertime" (1955, 旅情) "The Third Man" (1949, 第三の男) "The 39 Steps" (1935, 三十九夜) "Ugetsu" (1953, 雨月物語) "Umberto D." (1952, ウンベルトD) "The Virgin Spring" (1960, 処女の泉) "Viridiana" (1961, ビリディアナ) "The Wages Of Fear" (1953, 恐怖の報酬) "The White Sheik" (1952, 白い酋長) "Wild Strawberries" (1957, 野いちご)
Three Documentaries By Saul J. Turell: "The Great Chase" (1962, 追跡珍名場面集/ザ・グレート・チェイス) "The Love Goddesses" (1965, 妖艶美女大全集/銀幕の女神たち) "Paul Robeson: Tribute To An Artist" (1979)
Hardcover, linen-bound box set with 240-page, full color book and 50 DVDs Dimensions: 12.5"x12.75"x 3.5" Weight: 14 lbs. Each DVD features a pristine digital transfer of the film in it's original language, as well as English subtitles for the deaf and hard of hearing |